I'm going to invent craigsbook, a combo of craigslist and facebook, that will list all the jobs, businesses, parties, and merchandise I want to buy or sell, along with a beautiful picture of myself, all my videos, personal history, and short quips that will dazzle and amuse you. My dear friends, you will be able to post your own requests on this site as well. Sure, your privacy rights will be destroyed. But interfacing with the most viable social network in history will make up for all of that.
What? I'm not the first to suggest this? I should call it paulasbook, or just expand my own blog? Nonsense. It's the American way to capitalize on others' ideas. Mark Zuckerberg and Craig (yes, there is a Craig) will sue me. But who cares! Aaron Sorkin will write the screenplay. The movie will open with me, played by Kate Winslet, arguing with my ex-husband, played by a younger Alec Baldwin. I'm already in SF, so that should save time and $. And Justin Timberlake, who will market and fund this venture, will introduce me to Justin Bieber. Finally, I can ask the Biebs to get rid of that scary hairdo!
Friday, January 28, 2011
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Good luck! :)
ReplyDeleteGood idea!