Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Jon Stewart,

Please don't go. I can't lose The Colbert Report and you in the same year.

See his latest installment about Caitlyn Jenner..

Click here.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Mad Men

Break out the whiskey, orange slices, and cocktail cherries. Mad Men's series finale airs on Sunday, May 17th.

No, it won't end with Don Draper falling to his death from the top of a NYC skyscraper. Matthew Weiner, the show's creator, wouldn't do anything that obvious. He'll do something unexpected. And whatever that is, I'm grateful we had such a great series to watch all these years, warts and all.

Although I've enjoyed Jon Hamm as Don Draper, I'm even more impressed with Peggy Olson and Pete Campbell, played by Elizabeth Moss and Vincent Kartheiser respectively. Don't you just love to hate Pete! These are some of theatre's greatest "B" characters!

The following are some classic lines from the show. See if you can guess who said what (the answer key is at the bottom).

  1. It's a chip and dip.
  2. Men don't take time to end things. They ignore you and insist on a declaration of hate.
  3. What you call love was invented by guys like sell nylons.
  4. She was born in 1898 in a barn. She died on the 37th floor of a skyscraper. She's an astronaut.
  5. One minute you're on top of the world, the next minute some secretary's running you over with a lawn mower.
  6. I hope she knows you only like the beginning of things.
  7. Not great, Bob!
  8. If you don't like what's being said, change the conversation.
  9. Well, I gotta learn a bunch of people's names before I fire them.
  10. I don't care what your politics are, this is America. You don't just shoot the President!

And the ultimate from Peggy here

Cheers, Don!

Answer key:

  1. Pete Campbell (he returned it for a rifle)
  2. Joan Harris (said to Peggy)
  3. Don Draper (said to Rachel Menchen)
  4. Bert Cooper (describing Ida Blankenship)
  5. Joan Harris (said to Don Draper in a hospital waiting room)
  6. Dr. Faye (after she hears Don's going to marry Megan)
  7. Pete Campbell (said to Bob Benson after Pete learned his mother was "lost at sea")
  8. Don Draper (words to live by)
  9. Roger Sterling (what a darling!)
  10. Trudy Campbell (played by the wonderful Alison Brie)

Saturday, February 7, 2015

I'd like to be that watch

Don't feel like writing a real column. So here are some random notes....

  1. Been a while since I was hit on. Yesterday I wore a pocket watch necklace and was accosted by a man who said, "I'd like to reside where that watch is!" My response, in my head, was, "You'd like it!" But, instead, I gave him my inbred semi-smile, and walked away. Had to, given my location [deliberately being cryptic as to my location].
  2. People, love your commas.........Consider the following:  Let's eat Grandpa  - versus -  Let's eat, Grandpa.   While Grandpa's leg might be tasty with some barbeque sauce, I'd rather just eat with him.
  3. Click here for fun shoe facts, like:
  4. Fun fact about snow: It doesn't snow in Maui. Let's go, NOW!

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Girl Power!

In my day girls started tormenting each other around 3rd grade. While boys physically beat each other up and hurled hurtful comments around, girls became master manipulators and bitches by high school. Case in point, Regina George [below] from Tina Fey's hilarious, "Mean Girls." 

Cliques were formed, horrendous lies were told, and friendships were ruined. Straight boys were clueless at what girls were doing to each other and to them (and still are). 

That's why I was so delighted to witness the following at the library yesterday:

4 giggly girls sat at my table. After 10 minutes of checking texts and lip gloss, they got to work. Each seemed to be working on a different assignment. Eventually they stopped what they were doing, and exchanged copies of what they were working on. They checked each other's work, printed copies of their revised work, and then read for a while.

Curious, and nosey, I asked one of the girls what they were doing. She said, "Oh, we have so much homework, it's impossible to get it all done with basketball, baby sitting, etc, so we divvy up the homework, and help each other out. We don't really hand in exactly the same thing. But we get the majority of it done together."  

These industrious girls were 12 years old, totally "girly" but driven. I hope they take over the U.S. Senate one day!

Girl Power!

BTW, the fabulous Tina Fey and Amy Poehler are hosting the Golden Globes tonight for the last time. You know where I'll be!